KORG is love
album of the week: 6-4
Hit the win button!
I have a few nice things to say about Nintendo's patented "demo mode", which has been alluded to appear in the forthcoming New Super Mario Bros Wii game. If you are too lazy to read the link, what this new feature does is optionally help you with getting past tricky/monotonous/annoying parts of games. What is being proposed here is an option that will either play an instructional demo for you on how to play through a certain part, or just flat out skips it for you.
This is making the self entitled little brat, I mean, "hardcore gamer" faction very angry in internet land. Apparently some people think you have to work or sludge through every step of the linear path in a game you played hard earned money to have fun with. Maybe you can blame this on my brain's broken perception of the world, but whenever I come across a frustrating part of a game that I know is due to limited controls or something I find to be unfair, its an entirely joyless experience. I curse and swear for a half hour, memorize every note of the "you died" theme music. Then when I finally pass it, I thank my lucky stars, not congratulate myself, then say "Glad I never have to do that again."
This is coming from a proud retro fan. Mega Man 9 was my favorite game of 2008, and I would not have used the feature once. I'm not talking about just giving up on difficult challenges. I'm talking about skipping what you find is flat out stupid and/or a product of poor game design. Regretfully, a typical Mario platformer hardly ever has such glaring mistakes, but the recent Bionic Commando: Rearmed sure as hell did.
This has been a long time coming. I would have killed for something like this in 1990, when 90% of games were frustratingly hard rather than easy. When I rented Spy Hunter or GI Joe, all I wanted was to see what the game was like and experience it all. I wasn't fishing for confidence, just fun. All I ended up seeing were the first 10 minutes of the game, at most, and a whole lot of that game over screen.
Good for Nintendo, because honestly, how different is this than just looking at gameFAQs or passing the controller to a friend or sibling? Curb your ego, and have a bit of fun for christ's sake.
album of the week: 6.3
idle thought
album of the week - 6.2

Three things I really loved about E3.
The annual major videogame expo, E3, had one of its biggest shows in years. For once there was very little to sigh at. Here are three games that made me giddy...
Left 4 Dead 2 - I was very apprehensive about this announcement at first. Not as much as some angry neckbeards, but a bit taken aback knowing that the one online multiplayer game I play on X-box 360 will be snuffed out within a year of release. Once I started reading interviews, I was won over. The devs are intent on making the game more repayable and more random. Best of all, it discourages survivors from stacking in corners instead of fighting. I have no problems with paying $60 to make this jump.
Scribblenauts - Forget the smoke & mirrors of "Project Natal", a dinky hand-drawn DS game has done what I thought was technologically impossible. They've imported just about every noun in the English language into animated form.
To solve environmental puzzles, you type in a word that manifests itself on the screen, and you can interact with it. More surprising, is how deep the interaction is. You can summon a time machine and time travel! You can summon God and The Devil, and they will fight! It's amazing how much depth this game has. I never thought I'd see anything like it.
Shadow Complex - 2D LIVES! As much as I can't stand the presentation of the macho Gears of War series, I know it's a competent game. Now the studio is putting out a classic 2D action/adventure game for XBLA. It looks like a Metal Gear Aesthetic mixed with Castlevainia exploration. Totally down for this.
There was a lot more to love at E3. Alan Wake finally shows itself, Uncharted 2's amazing trailer, a Metriod game with a fresh new take, 2D Mario, 3D Mario, a Splinter Cell game worth looking at, another Crackdown game.... so much time and money to be happily wasted!