
2010 in music

2010 is over, and now... WE LIST!

First off, here is an hour of my favorite songs in 2010. Thank you, 8tracks!

And before we get to the present, let's have a look back at the future?

The future, Michael?

That's right, Kelsey Grammer! All the way to the year 2000!

Best of 2000

When I was 17, there still were no torrents. It was only Napster, and the few people who understood how to use Napster, and the even fewer people who were cool eneough to put cool stuff on Napster. So my exposure to music was still limited to who I saw at shows of my favorite punk and ska bands. 80% of this list I had not heard when I was 17, but the remaining 20% were a pretty big deal.


Thee Michelle Gun Elephant

Casanova Snake

TMGE never disappoints.

Enjoy: Revolver Junkies (Live)


The (International) Noise Conspiracy

Survival Sickness

Excellent mix of raw lo-fi punk and old school R&B rock and roll.

Enjoy: Smash it Up



Vision Creation Newsun

A lot of people have Kid A by Radiohead as their weird artsy pick of 2000. I have Vision Creation Newsun.



Hot Snakes

Automatic Midnight

Hot Snakes were pretty much my favorite punk band ever. Here is why.

Enjoy: Salton City



The Sophware Slump

This was the best release from a very unique band from Modesto, CA.



White Pony

This was Deftones' best effort to break away from the nu-metal curse. This album was a real eye opener for the 17 year old version of me.

Enjoy: Digital Bath


Deltron 3030

My favorite hip-hop album. It's like Futurama - The Rap.

Enjoy: Positive Contact


Number Girl


Yet another massive step up from their last release. I've never seen a band evolve on a record to record basis like Number Girl. Sappukei is practically like a genre of its own.

Enjoy: Tattooあり (Live)


At The Drive-in

Relationship of Command

This was the only other album in this list I heard when it released. I had never heard music this wild and energetic in my entire life. It very much opened up my mind to more types of music.

Enjoy: One Armed Scissor




This is my favorite album of all time. It's a brain-melting audio alien death ray of new wave punk rock.

Enjoy: XCT

Getting closer: What I missed in 2009

Cymbals Eat Guitars

Why There Are Mountains

Every song on this album has a little surprise. They never seem to be the band you expect them to be. Pretty cool stuff.

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart

Didn't notice these indie poster children until this year. They're like if No Age was good!

Memory Tapes

Seek Magic

Freaking groovy as hell computers + guitar jams. I actually like this more than Ratatat.

Screaming Females

Power Move

First saw this band in March. Blew me away. As much as this album rocks, its only a fraction of what you get live.

Enjoy: Bell

Shatter: The Official Videogame Soundtrack

The best game I own on PS3, and it's mostly due to this incredible electropop soundtrack.

Enjoy: Kinetic Harvest

Now that we're caught up, here is The 2010 Disappointment Bin


Plastic Beach

Ok, at least a half hour of this album is good. So when you chip away the crap, there is still enough there. But even the good stuff seems to be a very one-dimensional take on a once versatile Gorillaz sound.

Dan Sartain Lives

It's been four years since the last Sartain release, but this sounds like it was written in a afternoon. Very little of this album is interesting, and all of it is repetitive.

Buffalo Daughter

The Weapons of Math Destruction

Another release long in the making. The production is good, but this is not representative of their evolution over the past decade. A lot of tricks on this album are old hat.


Total Life Forever

2008's Antidotes was a post-punk masterpiece. For their sophomore jinx, Foals decides to go mature mumbo-jumbo, with a lot of boring build ups that hardly pay off and a bland vocal approach.

Britta Persson

Current Affair Medium Rare

Persson isn't the only Swedish pop songwriter to plummet in quality me over the past two years, but is the worst offender. Not a single interesting moment on this whole album and lyrics that range from pointless to eye-rolling.

Welcome to the present! 2010's best music videos

Zach Hill - The Sacto Smile

Liars - Scissor

LCD Soundsystem - Drunk Girls

The Birthday - Digzero

Ted Leo & The Pharmacists - Bottled in Cork

Almost there.... Best cover art of 2010



Asian Kung-Fu Generation

Magic Disk

Nothing eye opening about this record, but one of the most solid start-to-finish releases of the year. They know how to write a song that sticks in your head all day.

Enjoy: Magic Disk


LCD Soundsystem

This is Happening

Going out on a high note. Murphy seems to never run out of ideas to put into his songs. I hope he continuities solo, or as part of another act.

Enjoy: Pow Pow


Club 8

The People's Record

2010's most improved band. Nothing this year sounds like the calypso dance party Club 8 cooked up. Wonderful summer pop.

Enjoy: Western Hospitality


Ted Leo & The Pharmacists

The Brutalist Bricks

Ted's best since Hearts of Oak (2003), and the best use his harder sound. "Gimme The Wire" is my favorite song of 2010.

Enjoy: The Mighty Sparrow


The Bithday


This would have been my number one if the year was only 6 months long. Since better stuff has come out, and I've realized the Engrish lyrics are quite distracting, this album has dropped; but it's still some of the best classic rock jams I've heard.


Screaming Females

Castle Talk

They've mellowed out, but it seems to be for the better. There are songs on this album that are timeless. Wonderful bass and guitar work, as per usual for this band.

Enjoy: I Don't Mind it


Zach Hill

Face Tat

This is my new favorite noise rock album ever. I love it more than anything by Hella. Zach is continuing to cement himself as the coolest motherfucker on the planet.

Enjoy: Green Bricks


Hot Hot Heat

Future Breeds

Reports of their death have been greatly exaggerated. The Canadian new wavers return with a noisy vengeance to be the band I always wanted them to be.

Enjoy: YVR


The Radio Dept.

Clinging To A Scheme

Worth the wait. The Radio Dept. has achieved an immersive collection of songs with enough versatility to make you want to get lost in it over and over again. You can't turn away after only one song.

Enjoy: Memory Loss




It was tough to choose between the more scholarly option (The Radio Dept.) and this surf-punk extravaganza of an album. GO!GO! edged this one out. It just digs right into the pleasure center of my brain and rests there.

Enjoy: ええじゃないか (Live)


Ten videogames that I have played in 2010

Happy Christmas, internet!

I'm still throwing together my 2010 list of music. Lots of images and formatting to work out. It takes a whole to get it all looking somewhat respectable, and that's apart from the bad taste.

Giant Bomb has a list format that at least saves me from doing the same for videogames. So here is a top ten list of games for 2010!


album of the week: 12.3

The Octopus Project
Peek-A-Boo Records (2010)

why you'll love it: Adventurous upbeat instrumentals
why you'll hate it: Not much more than just background music.

Phew, one more good album left in the year. I was afraid for a moment I would have to dig out a stinker to fill in the last review of 2010. The Octopus Project is an instrumental band. Usually they lean on a very positive upbeat, almost video-gamey keyboard to set themselves apart. This time they throw their range out a lot more. There is a tinge of post rock on this album. I think that is mostly a consequence of their broad experimentation.

Hexadecegon is as ambitious as the title suggests, although it never feels like the group is up their own ass. There is a general feeling of adventurous exploration to keep in line with their general positive mood. At times, this album sounds like it could have been the soundtrack to something like the Spike Jonze Where The Wild Things Are film adaptation. This album isn't unique by any means, but it isn't derivative either. The problem is there are bands that have changed the landscape by making music similar to this;. By comparison, The Octopus Project may seem like small potatoes; but they are much too colorful and expressive to be given that kind of treatment.


It's my favorite time of the year

Holiday cheer, sleigh bells ringing, hot coco, giving gifts - FORGET ALL THAT

Icy roads on youtube is why I love the winter time.


album of the week: 12.2

KRE (2010)

why you'll love it: glitchtastic hi-speed technopop
why you'll have it: Failure to progress from last two albums. bad mixing.

This is a release I've been anxious about all year. Just around this time last December, the synth player of Polysics (my favorite band ever) announced her plans to leave the band. Being a new wave band, this deals a heavy blow. Not only did Kayo contribute vocals to a number of songs, but she controlled almost all of the electronic sequencers, vocoding, keyboards; and provided a good deal of stage antics.

By summer, they were back in the studio again as a trio. Rather than find a replacement for a member many fans deem as irreplaceable, they basically promoted their sequencer. So, in other words, there is now a hard track that the band must follow, providing all the electronic bells and whistles - vocoding too, I think? Or is that something that must be performed live by an off stage 4th person? I don't know. This whole thing confuses me.

It just seems like a very far way to go just to make something that sounds exactly like Absolute Polysics.
I'd like to take a quick detour and diminish some of the criticism I had on that album last year. While I still think it was rushed, that is a tight album. I like it a lot, especially after seeing a lot of the songs performed live earlier this year.

Going into this EP, I was expecting a more stripped down approach. - with a few scattered electronic loops thrown into the middle eights or intros. It hasn't been rare to hear a Polysics song that depends more on guitar and bass than the electronics. Instead, the sequencer is firing at 30 beats per second here, and actually drowning out the rest of the band in songs like "Boil" and "How Are You?" That's crazy to me, that you wouldn't take this opportunity to showcase what kind of awesome hooks you can make with your core instruments. It's frustrating because Yano is actually an incredible drummer, and Hayashi has cooked up some wacky guitar hooks in the past. When I listen to these songs while trying to ignore the sequencer, I can hear some really good bass lines and guitar hooks. Good enough to sustain a song, but they're tough to hear under all the constant chirping.

Maybe these songs are holdovers from the past couple years, and not representative of their next album. None of these songs are bad. Despite the sequencer being way too up front, "How Are You?" is probably their best single in years other than "Young Oh! Oh!". "Mach肝心" is hells of fun to play in Audiosurf. "Rock Wave Don't Stop" is a tame "Electric Surfin' Go Go". Closest thing to a bad track on there. This isn't a bad EP, just a wasted opportunity to reinvent as a trio.


i keep forgetting to post about this

I bought a new computer last month and am playing computer games again for the first time since 2002. I think Max Payne was the last computer game I have ever played, just to put things into perspective. Relearning WASD controls is a real trail, and Frictional Games' Amnesia is a harsh mistress!

On sale last week for $10, Amnesia is a first-person survival horror game. It's reducing me to a quivering heap for the first time since Fatal Frame II. There are no weapons in this game. Your only ammunition are savaged matches and oil for your lantern, which don't fend off monsters as much as it does your character's sanity. In fact, wandering a well lit space basically plants a "tear here" label across your neck; so the game is a constant struggle of crawl about in the scary dark a dribbling mess, or ensure your gruesome death.

I haven't been killed by a visible being yet in the game, but I don't think I've feared such a thing as much in a video game before. These monsters look like the thing in Pans Labyrinth with eyeballs in its palms. I came within inches of one in an underground dungeon (why does it have to be a dungeon!?) last night, and got away despite these damn keyboard controls defying me when trying to slam a door shut behind me. I'm afraid to start the game again.

Maybe you too can play 2/3 of this game and stop! Download Amnesia from Steam!


album of the week: 12.1

Belle & Sebastian
Write About Love
Matador (2010)

why you'll love it: Richer sound on slower songs, modest fun pop songs
why you'll hate it: Not as iconic as previous albums. Still too cute for some people to handle

If you've reached album seven without splitting your fanbase between your current satisfied costumers and those aged fans with their arms crossed sneering "you've changed", then you're doing it wrong. From my experience, the story has been that the band has softened its edges; but Belle & Sebastian started out as soft as they come! Over the last decade, they have really swelled out their sound. To some old school fans, they've lost their humility and become a bit too clever and twee.

Write About Love is almost the record longtime fans have been waiting for. It's impossible for the band to return to the limited scope of The Boy With The Arab Strap (1998), but only very briefly do they repeat the tongue-in-cheek upbeat pop popularized in Dear Catastrophe Waitress (2003). Instead, we are met with a compromise. The easy going modesty of Fold Your Hands Child, You Walk Like a Peasant (2000) is given the production range of The Life Pursuit (2006).

While this album may do no more than frustrate opposite camps of the B&S fanbase, I think it's their most well rounded and accomplished album. They've written a few songs like "Come on Sister" in the recent past, but not with as much restraint. "I Want The World To Stop" is a wonderful example of taking their old songwriting into a new era with a bigger sound. Then there are a few gimmes like "I'm Not Living in The Real World" for newbies, and "Read The Blessed Pages" for the mainstays.

For those new to the band, start here. If you like the louder pop songs, keep working backwards down the discography. If the humble songs do it for go, shoot back to the beginning.


the point of no return

This is the single nerdiest thing I have ever found myself into, but I LOVE these podcasts where the writers of Penny Arcade and PvP play a game of Dungoens & Dragons. I have never played DnD before, and fantasy culture as a whole turns me off, but these are three of the funniest people around, and can improvise a lot of great wit out of the material. One of them is a newbie to the game, so it's fun to hear his impressions and reactions to it.

If you can tuck away the part of your brain that resists all things DnD just this once, and listen to these podcasts from the first campaign, you won't regret it. If you do, and enjoy it, there is video of the latest campaign played live in front of an audience at PAX. (thanks to Boing Boing for pointing this out yesterday)