
... so the rocket goes off, right?

HBO has posted to their youtube channel, the entire first episode of the Ricky Gervais podcast animations.

This first podcast isn't the funniest thing they've done, but it was the first thing I've ever heard by them back in 2005; so if it was a good enough intro for me, it will be for you. The animation of the rocket turning left in space is worth the entire episode.

The animation is OK. I would have preferred a little more style. The whole point of this series seems to be to draw more attention to the podcasts (which have totaled in over 24 hours worth of material by this point, and I'm not even counting the previous live radio broadcasts); so if an innocuous visual style is what will draw more people in, I'm down.

They could have done a better job setting up the series though. I went into the podcasts knowing nothing as well, but watching television on your couch is a bit different. Some brief additional commentary before or after each discussion would have given appropriate context, and some new material for the old fans.

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