Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra
World Ska Symphony
Cutting Edge (2010)
why you'll love it - ska!
why you'll hate it - ska
It's not a good Q1 if there isn't a new Tokyo Ska Paradise Orchestra album. Not just in the ska genre, TSPO is one of the most consistent bands ever. Their albums seem to drift in and out of excitement, but are always of high quality musicianship. This comes as a surprise given the often… decatet (is there a term for a ten-member band?) sized outfit with a constant revolving door.
This is the band's 20th anniversary full length album, so there is a good mix of styles on here. Most songs are instrumentals, a couple ballads, a couple guest vocals, some Engrish, some blazing rock, and some mellow grooves. TSPO sticks true to the "if it ain't broke…" mantra, and is one of the few that gets away with it.
I thought last year's album was a bit too slow compared to recent history. I'm enjoying the variety and general celebratory tone of World Ska Symphony much more. So much in fact, that I hope the revolving door never closes. I'd love for this to be a band that stay around forever despite who departs. Sort of like the Saturday Night Live of bands, only with a seal of quality.
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