Player Piano
why you'll love it: atmospheric music for both sad and sublime moods.
why you'll hate it: not very memorable, stuck between devotion to emotional and catchy
I don't have much to say about this one, so I'll keep it short. Player Piano is this electronic indie solo artist's follow up to 2009's Seek Magic. Seek Magic was no breakthrough album, but had a lot of charm. This sophomore effort steps up the maturity and emotional tone. Songs are a lot more atmospheric and melodic. Dayve's confidence has grown, resulting in a more pop song structured album with a lot more singing.
Player Piano is in this weird zone between two states. It's more structured than the last album, but somehow tougher to get into. When it wants to get minimalistic, as in "Yes I Know", it nails that somber tone, but it doesn't strike the same kind of emotional chord as Radiohead or The XX. When it wants to get busy and erratic, it just doesn't pop like in Seek Magic. The production really limits the richness and color. Sounds are flat and restrained when they should be blossoming.
The album sounds pretty, but doesn't stand out from its electronic peers, or leave much of an impression on its own. WIth more focus, it could have made its mark with a remarkable ambient sound. I don't think Dayve Hawke is all that concerned with becoming a breakthrough artist though. He's just writing music for himself. Which is cool, but if you are not on the same wavelength as him, pointless.
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