
album of the week: 3.2

Yo La Tengo

why you'll love it: Well crafted, subtle moody chill-out jam music.
why you'll hate it: vague and disposable, same thing over and over

Sorry for the lack of depth in the Godspeed review.  I'm aslo sorry for what's to come in this one.  Yo La Tengo and Godspeed share a commonality with me.  They're both bands I respect a whole lot, and can tell they are skilled and proud musicians who deserve all the success they receive   It's just that neither of them seem to draw anything out of me.  Godspeed has the grandiose "bigger than you and me" composition down, but their material doesn't paint much of a picture in my brain beyond "vast whatever".

Yo La Tengo has been around a long time.  They're from my home state of New Jersey.  They've always stuck to their guns proudly.  I want to like everything about them, but Fade comes and goes just as their entire discography has, no matter how honest of a shot I give them.  I can't remember a single line or hook from this album once it finishes.  In the moment, I admire the patience and care they have for their songwriting, but have never felt the need to go raving about it later.

Yo La Tengo offers a whole lot of ammunition for me to tout how significant and brilliant they are, but in the end, I'd just be massaging my own ego; using their credentials to make myself seem more legit.  I must be honest, I'm not swept away by this band, only in love with what they represent.

Fade is most certainly an album worth your time.  Up to you if you find it necessary to ever revisit.

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