album of the week: 8.5
another music video for your eye and ear holes
album of the week: 8.4
By freeing themselves from the retro chiptune style of their debut, Crystal Castles has managed to leap right into yet another predicament: how will they stand out now? The dreaded sophomore album, Crystal Castles, almost entirely sheds their glitchy sound for a more versatile electro-clash ear melter. Now they come off like a no-wave version of Broadcast. It really isn't an improvement, but respectful. If anything, they prove that they have legs beyond sounding like an old video game.
The first handful of tracks prove that the duo can still create an frightening amount of noise. Nothing is lost in the shock department. Something new this time around are some tracks that actually sound a bit pretty, Alice Glass even sings in a delicate voice from time to time. "Baptism" has a hypnotic rhythm to it. The augmented vocals in "Vietnam" sound like they were plucked right out of the Shatter soundtrack. Looks like they haven't entirely escaped the video game stigma.
Unfortunately, without a central theme, most of this album sails over my head. Even after multiple listens, only few tracks stand out to me. I could have said the same about the debut, but their gimmicky aesthetic kept me coming back wondering what I had just listened to. This album only left me trying to remember what I had just listened to.

Revenge of The Revenge
I have a spiteful history with the film Jaws: The Revenge, which is the third and final sequel to the unnecessary Jaws franchise. The 1975 original is and always has been my favorite film of all time. Having supportive, but bumbling relatives, I was given a Jaws: The Revenge movie poster for x-mas when I was in my single digits. It kinda freaked me out, but not really, since even at that age, I knew that the film was the worst piece of media ever to be made.
Every few months, on an idle Saturday, I'll dig up some trivia on this trainwreck (which, if you don't know the plot- is about a killer shark that hunts down a family across the Atlantic Ocean, until it is poked by a stick and explodes.) This time, however, I think I have stumbled on an information goldmine.
This clever blogger (one who actually makes meaningful contributions to the internet!) has done some killer research on the film's shady pre-production. Most noteworthy is the guiding hand of Universal's then studio head, who presumedly willed the film into production, and significantly impacted the entire series by treating it like anniversary gifts for his wife. It's a terrific example of the selfish misguidedness that sometimes pulls the strings in the movie industry.
album of the week: 8.3
an end / a beginning

album of the week: 8.2
Run, don't walk... or just click.