
IGNORE MEEEE: My biggest disappointments of 2011

editor's note * I hope this post isn't mistaken as a slamfest. Nothing is more played out than angry rants on the internet. These aren't the worst albums of 2011 by far. I most likely did not even hear the worst albums. These are just 5 albums that I expected more from. In the spirit of fairness, my chosen sample tracks are what I feel to be the best these albums have to offer.

Cymbals Eat Guitars
Lenses Alien

Wow, what happened? I hate the changes this band has made to their songwriting. Lot of talent here, but some bad decisions on where to take their sounds.

Human Hearts

I've concluded that their 2006 pop masterpiece, We, The Vehicles, was just a fluke. :(

Parts & Labor
Constant Future

This band does not pull off the epic ballad very well. They did it once or twice on their last album, and it was novel, but a whole album of it is just a total bore.

The Pains of Being Pure At Heart

They live up their their stupid sappy name with this one. Way too much 80's cheese for this jaded bastard to bear.

Architecture in Helsinki
Moment Bends

OK, I take it back. This right here - I HATE this album. Never have I seen a band drop from unfiltered creative energy to uninspired lite FM garbage so quickly. This album is so bad I've often considered if it's part of some elaborate joke.

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